
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blizzard is taking over

A couple of days ago was released the beta for StarCraft Universe, which will be playable through October 30th. SCU is a mod that allows you to control characters RPG style, and was called World of StarCraft. After a lot of demand and some legal issues, Blizzard is letting everyone test the game via You can learn more here, but this is not today's topic. (And no, we're not talking about the pandas either)

This is the latest trailer for Blizzard's DOTA, and PC Gamer just recently published all the new features and gameplay. Blizzard has their hand full right now, but even with all they're doing, we can't forget about Valve's DOTA 2, which looks really promising as well. Here is a new video where we can see how it looks. (Go to minute 5 if you want gameplay)

There's still no release date for any of these DOTAs, but so far both of them look really fun. For now, we can just wait and see how this competition unfolds.


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