
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Diablo 3 Review: The Good, The Bad and Inferno

Recently the expected has happened: Diablo has consumed me and there's almost no turning back. Almost.
And I say this because I've been playing for 2 weeks straight and in the last week Diablo 3 became a very different game that I no longer enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I'm still addicted; but I have this love/hate relationship that is driving me crazy.

The first thing you need to know about Diablo 3: you can't play alone. That option shouldn't exist, it takes away the fun of doing things like this:
Also, there's the issue with the servers not working that has made plenty of people angry. But then again, after level 60 there will be no more fun and you will never find any joy in life, servers working or not.

Now, before I scare anyone away, let's talk about what I enjoyed the most, A.K.A. THE GOOD:

The game offers great classes that differ enough from Diablo 2 to make them new and exciting, without taking away what people liked about them. My personal favorite is the Wizard, that offers insane amounts of damage and fantastic crowd control abilities. Second place is definitely the Monk, so much balance.

Diablo 3 is absolutely and ridiculously addictive. Just seeing the skills you can unlock in only "a few more levels" keeps you killing little imps for hours until you really forget you had to work an hour ago. Some guy actually forgot to LIVE. Crazy.

And you can't forget about WHIMSYSHIRE. Killing ponies, teddy bears and flowers can give you A LOT of money.

The Auction House. I think it's not fair to depend on items that lucky, greedy people found and don't need. Most decent or nicer items are unnecessarily expensive and unfortunately, not only the players are to blame for their greed. It's not easy to find good equipment, therefore players have to go to Blizzard's Auction House. There is the option of crafting your own items, but it can be as expensive as buying them from other players, and it takes less effort and time.

Seems to me that instead of playing the game for looting, like it should be in any RPG, players spend hours repeating the same levels just to make enough money to buy stuff.


This video is perfect in showing how playing Diablo 3 on Inferno is like.

Just running and hoping they don't get you. Only the most resistant Barbarians or Monks can face head on a group of elites. Witch Doctors and Demon Hunters just hope the enemies can't teleport or have mortars, but they usually do (at the same time). On the other hand, Wizards are the best class for Diablo 3 on Inferno, mostly because of Energy Armor. This skill, combined with the rune of your preference (mine is Energy Tap) reduces incoming damage significantly.

Some enemies are actually invulnerable to damage, until their also invulnerable minions are killed, therefore, you will never even touch them before you're dead. The problem with the Inferno difficulty goes back to the loot and the fact that players can't find useful items to progressively have more damage or extra defense. Meanwhile, Blizzard releases patches to fix some of the issues, mostly related to crafting or the servers, there is an upcoming patch that could potentially balance things out.

But even with all the bad, Diablo 3 is an awesome game that will give players days of good fun. Hopefully, after the new patch, it will make players like me enjoy it again.


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